RFAP Applications
The SEDA-COG JRA in cooperation with its railroad operator is happy to assist any rail customer along our railroads in preparing applications for the Pennsylvania Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP). This is a competitive grant program with a current allocation of $8.5 million annually. Applications are due April 15 with approved applications announced by PennDOT in August. A second round of applications may be submitted October 15 with approvals announced late December.
For more information on this program please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Rail Freight, Ports and Waterways at PennDOT’s website.
Capital Improvements
The JRA and its operator will also assist our rail customers in planning new rail facilities or in expanding existing facilities.
For assistance in any rail project along the JRA railroads, please contact:
Steven Beattie, Executive Director
SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority
[email protected]
Jeb Stotter, President
North Shore Railroad and Affiliated Companies